June 13, 2007

Yeah Well...

Things were going well for awhile, until the thyroid has acted up. The Doc and I have been systematically lowering my thyroid meds, trying to find my balanced place. And in the meantime my metabolism has been at a stand still. I have been staying the same, atleast according to the scale for a month atleast. I have given up getting on the scale. I feel like it may be off anyway.

I have greatly increased the amount of weight I can workout with. I am assuming this must mean I am putting on some lean muscle mass. That coupled with the fact that my clothing still fits well...and better than before in most cases. I am avoiding the scale for a bit. I think I have a mental dependancy on it...and I am usually unable to go more than 2 days without getting back on. So I've been trying not to look! I'll know how my body feels...I can tell when I gain weight. I don't need a little LED display to tell me!

Other than the weight staying the same...hovering around 298-299 now...I am happy because I am lifting well! I actually did a set of 410lb leg presses last week....4 times! Before that the most I had done was 370lbs! I have found that I am extremely competitive, even with myself. I love breaking my records...and love to get those..."did she just do that" looks from my fellow male gym-mates.

I am sure this competitive drive is what keeps me going...even when things seem uneventful!

I am probably going to be posting few and far between for the next few months, since the day camp I work for starts on June 25th. But I will try to make an appearance or two for an update...especially if there is good news!

Sorry for my absence...hopefully I'll have more time later!

Thank you for all who read my rants here!!

8) Diva K

April 10, 2007

Stress Less....

Hello again! I am back..........

I have tweaked the food intake a bit...and added some carbs only after strenuous exercise. I have also left my grits in my morning breakfast, seeing as I eat breakfast anywhere between 9:00-10:00 pm I think it will be ok.

For now, the other thing I am changing is my stressing out about this. The more I get all worked up and stressed out, the less weight I am going to be able to lose...freaking cortisol sucks! lol...

The other thing I am doing is realizing that in a big way...food does make me happy and that’s not a bad thing. It's not because I was unhappy as a child...not because it was an escape...that developed later. In my life, I love food because food was love in my house. It reminds me of my mother, and how good her kitchen smelled...and how warm and close our dinners were with friends and family. I can't fight that by completely staving off food all together, and punishing myself.

If I am never allowed to eat things I love, I will never be able to diet. For me it is about letting myself have the cheat meal...at the appropriate time...and enjoying it...being able to then go about my regular eating to live. I can't really say I agree with Eat to Live don’t Live to Eat, because I have tried that, and it seems to make me more frustrated and miserable.

So, with my “stress less about this” policy in place...I will try to regulate my eating, while not feeling like I am depriving myself of the things I love.

My main motivation for this weight loss is comfort. I am actually perfectly healthy by all accounts. Many people would not believe that looking at me…they would assume that I must have a whole host of problems wrong with me…but I don’t. No high cholesterol, no high blood pressure, (not even close) no diabetes, nothing that hinders my daily life. My thyroid wasn’t something I brought on with weight gain, it facilitated the weight gain. As long as I stay active and can lose some more weight for the aesthetic happiness I would like to achieve, I will be fine.

That’s all for today….8)

March 28, 2007


I don't know if I mentioned this before...buy I am HypoThyroid....which basically means that my metabolism and is slow. There's a lot more to it than that...but I won't go into it here! It just makes my life hard at this point, because what I am trying to do is lose weight...but my stupid thyroid is working against me! I have been struggling with weight loss since about the 6th grade...and my mother always told me that I couldn't let my thyroid be an excuse...that it was my fault also. I do believe this...(allthough I now blame her partially...after all my eating habits were taught to me by my parents) however I now have a better understanding that if I were a "normal" obese person...and by that I mean one without a thyroid disorder...I could quite possibly have lot a WHOLE LOT more that I currently have. Just with my food alone...I mean it's crazy to me...that if I stick to my low carb diet, and work out 3 times a week with a trainer and then 1 to 2 more times on my own...that it's not just FALLING OFF ME!!! I mean...WTF?

Case in point, my mother-in-law, went on a low carb diet...and within 2-3 WEEKS you could see a HUGE different, she dropped many pounds...and she looks great. She got down to her goal weight and now she jsut maintains with diet. For me...I would have to basically eat NOTHING!

Right now, my food plan is for me...sparce. I am an eater...steaks, hamburgers, omelettes and also veggies...I always ate veggies...but I LOVE my carbs too...and I can't afford to eat them..because my body is so damn sensative. 8(

For instance today I will eat:

1/2 cup egg whites
1 omega 3 egg
1/4 cup grits (instant type-no sugar)
1 slice soy cheese
10-12 red seedless grapes

1 light & fit yogurt smoothie
1 cup of cottage cheese & 1/4 cup blueberries

6 oz of chicken breast (no skin, baked)
1 cup of veggies (usually green beans, or cauliflower or broccoli or spaghetti squash)
1 slice soy cheese

Protein Shake
Stallone in Stone Pudding

6 oz chicken
3 cups salad
olive oil
balsamic vinegar
garlic powder
sprinkling of parmesan cheese

And then if I have worked out another meal about 3 hrs before bed...of either:
1/2 cup of egg whites with 1 slice soy cheese
protein shake or pudding again

Compared to what I used to eat...THIS IS STARVING. I am not hungry...but I am not happy either. My favorite meal is breakfast. It's the most satisfying. And now my trainer wants me to cut out my grits, and the red grapes, and the blueberries, and the yogurts....she wants me to eat protein puddings or shakes instead of the yogurt. And seriously...i KNOW i cannot do that.
It's not a matter of I won't try...but she's damn well NUTS if she thinks I can live on that and be a happy person. I can't even eat my favorite food anymore...and I'm not talking pizza or anything...SUSHI! Healthy as it is..>I can't eat it...too many carbs...even with the brown rice. She's killing me here...does anyone have any OTHER suggestions for me? I don't think I can keep up this regiment much longer. I've been doing it since January...and low carb isn't supposed to be good for you long term anyway right??


March 19, 2007


Well...I was going strong there for awhile...and lately I have fallen off the wagon a bit. Since my vacation, my eating habits have been less then stellar. I guess what I can't get over is the fact that I used to be able to eat a LOT more when I was training in the past 2 years with a different trainer...and now I am on this restricted low carb diet and I am completely frustrated!!! I eat less than 80g of carbs a day...low carb by any description...and I am doing 2 weight training days a week and one spin day. On Mondays and Fridays I usually do my weight training and on Wednesdays my private spin class with my trainer. I used to do circuits with my last trainer and I was burning about 600 calories in an hour...now I move much slower with my current trainer and I am lucky if I burn 400 calories in an hour weight training...according to my Polar anyway...

I guess my problem is I feel like I am running in circles...and now...she wants to cut MORE carbs! I am really not into low carb...it's not healthy for long periods of time and have been on the current 75g a day since January. The proposed plan is to cut out my grits in the mornings, and my red graps (of which i only get 10 a day) and also my yogurts...(light & fit only 6g of sugar)....I am going to be miserable!!!

I feel like I could be working a little harder in the gym instead of going to my food again...I was losing a steady 2 lbs before this drastic food plan and I was working a little harder in the gym too...

Oh well...I did purchase my own spin bike on ebay so I can do some morning cardio...I am hopefull that that will help!

Thanks for listening!!! lol

8) kris

March 2, 2007

My Apologies....

It has been awhile...I apologize...I've been busy and tired!! lol...I guess I should post my progress....since my last post I lost more weight and am now down to 293lbs...which may be a little higher after my vacation last week...but I am not getting on the scale again until next monday so we'll see!

The spinning and weightlifting are going well...I can now crank out 6-8 50lb curls (with the crooked bar) and am up to about 105 lbs on the bench, and an 80lb pull down, (90 on a good day). I don't really remember a lot of the other measurements, I will try to record them this coming week...8)

It is amazing how I feel like absolute crap on the days I am not in the gym...we did make it to the gym at my cousin's complex in FL twice, but the heat and humidity down there really saps me of any energy I pretend to have...lol....I'm adding that to the list of reasons I could never live there. Allthough the thought of being on the beach all day might be a better draw once I've lost more weight!!

Anyway...I promise I will try to be here more often! Thanks to those of you who noticed I was MIA!!!

8) K

February 6, 2007

The Opie & Anthony Show

Ok...so my husband listens to O&A in the morning on the way to work, and today he drove me to work. Well, they were doing a segment on Obesity in America...and were also talking about how the modeling agencies are trying to ban anorexic models. Of course, since they started with the models, the whole discussion was only talking about obesity in WOMEN. I am SO sick of this. It's not as if there are no FAT MEN OUT THERE! The problem simply is that we are not allowed to be fat...and men are.

EX: RUBEN STUDDARD who excuse me...has to weigh like 400+ lbs!

So...they talked about how many obesity related deaths there are in the country and how WOMEN walk around saying "yeah well I'm still sexy even tho I'm fat...blah blah". I just looked it up on the American Obesity Society, and I hate to tell them, but in terms of obesity related deaths, it looks like MEN WIN.

They were also lumping together Obesity and Anorexia…which pissed me off. They were saying that there are ONLY 1000 anorexia-related deaths in the country in a year. ONLY? So it’s OK that ONLY 1000 people die from this disease that MANY more people suffer from? That’s ridiculous.

The main problem is UNREAL EXPECTATIONS. This graph I found online at www. Anred.com (Anorexia Nervosa and Related Eating Disorders) gives you an idea:

“Magazine pictures are electronically edited and airbrushed. Many entertainment celebrities are underweight, some anorexically so. How do we know what we should look like? It's hard. The table below compares average women in the U. S. with Barbie Doll and department store mannequins. It's not encouraging. (Health magazine, September 1997; and NEDIC, a Canadian eating disorders advocacy group)”

Average Women


Store mannequin


5' 4"

6' 0"

6' 0"


145 lbs.

101 lbs

Not available

Dress size

11 -14




36 - 37"




29 - 31"




40 - 42"



A LITTLE double standard to say the LEAST don’t we think?

Also, I am sick of people thinking that just because you are overweight you are unhealthy. I weigh 297lbs, go the the gym 3 days a week and workout almost every day at home. The only medication I am taking currently for a disease is Synthroid for Hypothyroidism, which is part of the cause of my obesity!!!

So…for all of you non-tolerant anti-fat woman, men out there…if I catch you calling ANY woman fat or torturing her in public for your own ego boost, I am going to use my 50lb curling arms to BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF YOU!!!

Oh yeah, and good morning! 8)


January 29, 2007

It's been awhile!!

Sorry it has been so long...I have been swamped! Between the gym and the class I am taking I hardly have time to breathe...I'm only taking one class...wtf??? Lol...

This morning was my weigh in day...and I was a little disappointed...but I kind of expected a low...I stayed exactly the same weight as last week. 8( I really can't complain...I didnt' gain! I was just hoping for atleast one to two pounds...but in all fairness, I couldn't be on the treadmill because of my knees, and was waiting to snag a stationary bike from my dad's (which didnt' fit in my van) and he surprised me and dropped it off last night!!! Soooooooooooo...I wasn't able to do my early morning cardio this week. I am sure that for the rest of this current week I will...and it will help my overall goal of atleast 2 lbs a week!

Other than the training which is going well...even with 1.5 bum knees...this new class just might KILL ME. The man who teaches it is obvioulsy brilliant...but I am such a math idiot...that I am afraid I will get soooo lost! It's the History of Mathematics...and it's really quite interesting. I learned last week how to write numbers in hyroglyphics! (sp I'm sure)

Other than that work...we are trying to get the new website up for my jewelry business by February 1st! I am having a site re-launch sale for Valentine's Day...so it's been NUTS getting everything together...in the spare time we have on the weekends!!!

This weekend...I did have FUN tho at my friend Sara's "Your 29, You're Moving to London, and You're Getting A New Job" party!!! So thanks Ra if you're reading!!! 8) And congrats again...you never know...maybe we'll scrape something up to come visit you next year! Also...we need to do dinner or something before you leave...DEFINITELY!!! 8)

Anywhooooooooooooo....gotta go update the other blog and get some work done! I'll be bacccccckkkk...........

8) Kris

January 24, 2007

The Knee Again

Well, I'm no t so happy today...the knees are not happy and they're swollen and hurting me, but MAN it was worth it...lol. I am awaiting an MRI still...(see other I hate Dr's Post) and until then I am just trying to take it easy...but I need to do cardio somehow...so a little pain will have to be ok!

I'm just trying not to get depressed and feel like I am falling apart...lol...after all I wil be THIRTY next year...and I'd like to be in the best shape of my life for that...since I have never been in good shape!!!

Anyway...I'm off to my History Of Math class tonight at 6:30...wish me luck!!!!!!

January 23, 2007


Ok...I used to be one of those people who stared into the room where they were spinning, and say things like "those people are out of their freakin minds" and now...I quickly see myself possibly becoming one of them! I mean...it's not like I've never been bike riding before...but this is different...it's intense, and when you're up in 90% of your max heart rate and flying...your whole body turns electric....I can't explain the rush any other way!

I can easily see myself becoming an endorphin-junkie....now I understand...I may at some point eat chocolate again, but...for now...I'll stick to taking a SPIN!!! 8)

Anyone who hasn't tried it...or who is intimidated by it...or thinks those people are nuts...they are...but it's still fun as hell! YOU GOTTA TRY IT!!! 8)

Anyway...tomorrow is the first day of my next class....only 5 more to graduate!!! I'm taking History of Mathmatics. I hope it's more history than math...cause if it's the latter...I'm in TROUBLE!

Tah Tah For Now!!!

8) Kris

January 22, 2007


So....I had been completely skeptical from the beginning about this whole "clean eating" thing...I was mainly afraid that I would be starving and how could I possible eat that little food and not wanna chew someone's arm off? Well...I have to say it...it worked. 8) I got on the scale this morning after 2 weeks of following my diet and to my amazement I was TEN POUNDS lighter!

Talk about motivation...I now weigh 298lbs. I have not being under 300lbs for the better part of going on 5+ years now. I am excited and can't wait to keep going...I can't wait for the gym tonight...and look forward to my next meeting with the scale. I have a feeling we are going to have a far better relationship now...8)

I hope everyone else who is on this journey is having a good day also...there will always be good and bad...today just happens to be good! 8)


January 20, 2007

I HATE DR'S OFFICES..........>8(

Wow...I must have bene T-I-R-E-D....I slept till 11:00 today....and felt like a truck had hit me when I got up! My knees are swollen again and the biggest pain in my was was the fact that I had an MRI scheduled yesterday at 4:15, and had to cancel it. It goes like this...:

I got to the Imaging office at 4:05...figuring if there was paperwork I would be able to get it done early. I signed in at 4:05 and wasn't given the paperwork until 4:20!! Then...i sat there and sat there....and sat there...and sat there. I had a training session at 6:00. Which I figured was no big deal sine MRI's usually only take about 30-40 mins. Soooooo...I sat there until 5:00 at which point I had been sitting for...yes...45mins....and I asked the girl at the counter...do you know how long it will be before I go in? She makes a phonecall to the guy in the back who says TWENTY TO TWENTY FIVE MORE MINUTES...I was like "are you kidding me? I realize this is not your fault...but COME ON...I had a 4:15 appointment and you want me to SIT HER ANOTHER 20 mins which would make it an HOUR of waiting for my 4:15 appt...and THEN another hour of MRI?" So she says calmly yes...well...so I said...I have to cancel...I can't stand here I have an appt at 6:00. So she says well you'll have to call back on MONDAY to reschedule. Can you believe that? ON MONDAY?? She was sitting RIGHT THERE...in FRONT OF THE SCHEDULE!! I will definitely be calling on monday and I will ask for a supervisor...because it was rude and ridiculous to make me call back Monday after making me wait a possible HOUR for my appt which was and I say it again...at 4:15.

Ok I think I'm done now...but man am I sick and tired of these Dr's offices believeing that their time is INFINITELY more valueable than everyone else's! It's not fair...it's rude...and if we EVER did that to them...could you imagine how they would react?? Oh...I'm sorry Doc...I ummm got backed up and couldn't possibly have shown up until 3 for my 1:15 appt. Oops. 8)

Anyway...I am hoping I can reschedule at another time where I can waste away my hours at the mercy of the MRI machine tech...but until then I'm just going to go finally take down our damn Christmas Tree...LOL

Have a good weekend! 8)
-Kris and uhhh...I didn't proof this...so....sorry about the typos!!! 8)

January 17, 2007

My Food On a Regular Day

Well...regular for now anyway...you wouldn't wanna see what I used to eat!

Here's my usual Wednesday Meal:


1 Omega 3 Egg
1/2 cup egg whites
1/4 cup grits (the kind no self respecting southerner would ever use - not instant but 5 mins)
10 red grapes

Snack# 1 - Yogurt-Dannon Light & Lively-Strawberry...mmmm


6 oz Grilled Chicken

1 cup Asparagus
lots of water

Snack#2 - Protein Shake - ON Chocolate Mint


6 Oz Grilled Chicken
2 cups Spring Mix Salad
handful shredded mozz soy cheese (not as bad as it sounds...lol)
some grated cheese
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
garlic powder

Before Bed Snack: (20-30 mins before bed)

1 cup cottage cheese
small omelette with egg whites
protein shake

So far so good, allthough when it finally did decide to get colder here in NY...the first thing I found myself wanting was my pasta.........mmmm....I haven't had that in a long time...

Last night on the way home from the gym..I caught a glimpse of a man in a pizza place eating a slice and i had to look away...it's only my second week eating "clean" and I feel like an addict!!! LOL...

Anyway...just wanted to share the food...I'm definitely not hungry during the day...so it's working I guess! 8)

Ta Ta For Now! 8)

January 16, 2007

Monday Night Training

I am lucky...I am lucky because I found the best trainer in the world! She is not only concerned about my eating, and my physical state but my mental state as well. She altered our workout yesterday and I was still able to feel a significant burn...even though my knees were killing me!

I have to change my schedule a bit because my class starts tomorrow so I'll be training Monday, Tuesday and Fridays. It should be fine tho...I can do other things in between.

We did a little bit of spinning last night as well as an upper body workout. It is still frustrating not lifting the heavier weights that I was 5 months ago, but my body is getting back into it now, and soon I will be right back where I was last summer! I can't wait!

I guess the best part is that I am always excited to see her...she always does something different and fun each time. Who would have thought that I would be looking forward to working out?

Anyway...I hope everyone had a good weekend...time for work now............I may return later...you never know!

-Kris 8)

January 15, 2007

A Litte Miserable....

Well........it's raining....and yucky out....and I really wanted to go to work in my comfy chenille robe and slippers...that would have made me feel better! lol Other than that breakfast was the usual:

1 omega 3 egg
1/2 cup egg whites
1 serving grits
1 slice cheese (nonfat)
10 red grapes

I'm full, and should be happy...but my knees are killing me. 8( I was icing the worst one all weekend...I think the other one is starting too. The weather is probably not helping...but..it's still depressing. I keep feeling like I'm falling apart and I'm only 29! What did I do to my body??? I wish I was able to start over you know? Do it right from the beginning...know what I know now...back when I was eating myself into an early grave!!

The good thing is that my trainer is on board knees or not...she will re-design her workouts depending on my knee and it will happen anyway! I am in pain...but I know that in the end it will all work out. I will get my knees taken care of and I will be able to do step ups again, and the elliptical. For now, it's sticking to the diet and doing whatever else I can to keep the lbs from sneaking up on me again!

Rainy ucky mondays suck...I hope it's prettier where everyone else is!

8) Still smiling tho...

I wanted to share also...cause it' s fun...my trainer's husband is the 2004 & 2005 Masters Nationals Champion, and the 2006 Pro Masters over 60 World Champion. He's crazy...they call him Charles "Charlie Arms" Urrego! Check him out if you get a chance. She basically keeps him in shape and cooks for him...so I knew she knew what she was doing with the diet...lol...

Happy miserable monday....8)


January 13, 2007


Dear Almighty Being,

Give me strength not to dive over my laptop and pin down my pregnant friend Kim and rip that piece of cheesecake out of her hands. Also give me strength not to run into the bathroom, lock the door and eat it ALL.

Thank you,


Oh MAN!!!

Ok...I know I said I never post on the weekends...but man oh man...this is killing me! 8( Every weekend we either go out with friends or we all hang out together, and this weekend they came to us. We will either go out or order in depending on the day. Tonight we ordered in from one of my favorite places...our local diner. Now, usually I am not too bad...I will order an egg white omelette, used to be ham and cheese and home fries. I had been ordering egg white omelettes with spinache and mozzarella and whole wheat toast before my recent food plan. Sooooo getting to my point? Tonight, I ordered an egg white omelette with only spinache, added my 2 slices of soy cheese, and had no home fries, no toast. My fellow dinner guests ordered:

-A beef patty with melted cheese and sauteed onions with a side of onion rings.
-The hungry man's breakfast = scrambled eggs, sausages, bacon and canadian bacon with a side of two pancakes.
-A bacon cheese burger with home fries. (my husband...he also at my home fries)

And for dessert : 2 slices of cheesesake.

Needless to say I was trying to keep my head down during dinner and not salivate. I ate my meal and promptly left the table so as to type and not EAT SOMETHING ELSE.

I felt the need to share. I will happily be alone with just the hubby tomorrow...and more of our own home-cooked meals!!! This was a far harder test than the mother in laws birthday dinner...so I guess I passed with flying colors again!!

Damn...that burger smelled good!

8) Kris *drool*

Friday's Session!

Since my knee was bothering me my trainer opted for a pilates/yoga/isometric workout. It was perfect for a Friday....I was so freakin relaxed when I went home...and I slept REALLY well! Lol...

I have been following the food plan that she gave me, and am beginning to feel like I am actually losing weight. Which is good, because this first week I have been kind of bummed about the intensity of my workouts. I understand that she is starting me out slowly and trying to figure me out a bit and figuring out my body's limits. But I think I am just so used to getting the shit beaten out of me by my other less interested trainers that I am confused!

I used to go in, sweat my ass off, and leave barely being able to walk up the hill when I was going to the parking lot. I both loathed and loved the sessions. It was pure torture but it felt so good afterwards...I felt like I had really done something, I felt like since I was in pain and or sore or exhausted that I was making progress...even if I wasn't. Her workouts aren't a piece of cake or anything, but they are not nearly as intense as what I was used to. I am sure she will build me up...but I can't help feeling like i can do more. I probably blew my knee doing more tho. I also have this really bad tendency of not wanting to feel or be "weak". So I have a hard time not jumping back in right where I left off because I want to still be at that point. I will learn...maybe...>8)

Anyway...I don't think I will usually post on the weekends, unless I forget to do it on Fridays...soooo I'm off to make some more jewelry...it's my other job...and it keeps my hands busy...so I can't eat! 8) Here's my site if you're curious: www.coquitodesigns.com.

Have a good weekend!!! 8)


January 12, 2007

The Bum Knee...8(

Well, my knee was holding up for most of the week, and yesterday it finally started to bother me a little. I kept it elevated and forgot to ice it...but I am doing that at work today...I know...I'm bad...8(

The trainer has assured me that I will still get a good workout tonight instead of the Plyometric/Circuit training session she had planned for me we are going to go with a Pilates class with weights & core training session.

Sounds good to me! Other trainers I have worked with have either rescheduled or not really listened to the fact that my knee was not up to par. I am excited to finally have someone who really cares and is invested in what she's doing as opposed to someone who's purely in it for the money and who gets annoyed when you get injured. I don't like to cancel sessions, miss them, or whine while i'm there. I feel like...it was my choice to be here so I should SHUT UP, do what they say and TAKE MY BEATING LIKE A WOMAN. I mean geez....if i wanted to whine I could just stay home on the couch and complain!

I have seen people who have PAID trainers to train them...whining and complaining when they are being trained. I'm always like DUDE...if you didn't wanna do this...you should just stop. You're obvisouly not dedicated if you're going to torture your trainer with bitching and complaining while you're there! It's really not fair...just because you pay them doesn't mean you can be a little bitch about it. lol...

I had to say it...I have seen it happen. Anyway...I will try to be back later...I may post tonight after my pilates session...I've never done it before so it should be interesting! 8)

January 11, 2007

Training Day #2

Day 2 has come and gone. We did a "spinning class". It was basically just me and the trainer who I think I've mentioned is a Spin Instructor. For those of you who don't know spinning is all of those psycho people on the stationary bikes in the highly air conditioned rooms off to the side of the gym who are pedaling their asses off! I did a forty minute session of it followed by some yoga stretching. It was actually....FUN...*gulp* who knew? Who knew that I would ever utter the word FUN about spinning. Yes, I can see myself in a class...in the somewhat distant future...lol. The only downside really are the seats on the bike...which even with a gel seat make you feel like your (insesrt word here) is falling off. 8)

I had a little knee pain after last night, we have kind of established that I may be doing some stretches with my knee that is not good for it and maybe twisting it in some way. I'll ice it tonight and see what happens after Friday. There is no way I am stopping now. I have already gone to the Dr about it and I need to now make an appt for an MRI. The Dr. said that until we see the MRI, since it doesn't hurt a LOT i can work out just be careful. I have been fine till this point so after the MRI we will see what is going on.

Anyway, just wanted to share. ALSO...last night in honor of my birthday my trainer gave me a Stallone in Stone Pudding....RA...it REALLY IS GOOD! I dunno if it's just my chocolate deprived body speaking....but...I thought it was a nice treat anyway! And it has LOTS of protein and not a lot of carbs. Anywhooooooooo...I'm sure I'll return soon...

8) K

January 10, 2007

Happy Birthday To Me!!!

Ok...so I'll admit it...it is my birthday....my 29th BIRTHDAY!!! And actually I'm not really so upset. People keep saying to me..."ooohh....next year's 30" and I'm like...uh-huh...and next year I'll be hot and right now I'm not yet...so...I'll be HAPPY about 30!!! Lol...

My fun birthday dinner last night at my mother in laws consisted of me being a good girl and eating my grilled chicken and salad whilst my husband chowed down on his mom's OUTRAGEOUS homemade meatloaf.....*drool* I was feeling the temptation but was able to comtrol myself. I did steal one little taste out of my husband's plate, but after that it was all chix & veggies! I was surprised how easy it was for me to talk myself into my dinner and out of what was there. I was proud of me. 8)

After dinner I sat in the living room and talked to my father-in-law a bit while my husband went in the kitchen to chat with his mom and also have some cheesecake! Not a huge piece, just a taste...but I was ok with that too. I really wasn't hungry and even if I was...wasn't gonna touch it!

Today I am a bit more sore than yesterday, but still looking forward to training day #2 tonight. All in all I think I just need to work on getting more and better sleep. It has been a long medical road for me in the past 6-7 months and it's hard for me to let it go I guess!

I will chat more later I'm sure! I hope everyone is having a good week.................

8) Kris

January 9, 2007

Women's Plus Sized Work Out Clothing

I was having a rather hard time finding comfy clothing to work out in. My unique problem is that I have a tummy (imagine that) that I really don't want to show off right now (weird huh?), and yet I am 5'9. It would appear that manufacturers assume that us fat & tall girls love to show TUMMY, because most of the shirts out there are way too short! BUT, I recently came across Lands End's Sport collection in my search and actually I found some REALLY comfy t-shirts and pants and even a fleece pullover that are easily my new favorite workout wear! They are still a BIT short and DO NOT put them in the dryer when you wash them cause you may we well put them on your cat. (or small yapper-type dog) Here's what I found:

It's called the "Short Sleeve Performance Knit Tee", and it comes in of course BLACK, Poppy Red, Sea Aqua and White. They carry 1x-3x and I usually wear a size 22/24 in the Avenue and Lane Bryant so that should give you an idea. If I were brave I'd take photos of myself in it...maybe later tho. They are $24.50. I ordered one and they are really comfy and the stitching is rather flattering on us hour-glass- babes!

I also ordered the "Active Knit Pants" for $44.50. They are really soft, and not too clingy. I feel comfortable in them even tho they are close to my body. I would also recommend these not be washed, especially if you are tall like me, because they will shrink!
The last find was a nice thin light fleece pullover. I usually throw it on when i'm on the way to the gym over my workout stuff it's easier than a jacket and more comfy! It's the "ThermaCheck Half Zip Pullover" and they're $24.50. It's really soft and comfortable and easy to yank on & off when you are getting in & out of the gym! Visit www.landsend.com and go to Land's End Sport.

I hope that was helpful to some of you women out there having the same problems I am finding comfy things for the gym! I'm sure I'll be back later...but that's it for now! Happy working out!


P.S. Please forgive my spelling and typos...I don't proof read...LOL 8)

First New Training Session

Again my stats for perspective: female (duh) 28yrs, 310lbs, 5’9

So last night I had my first session with my new trainer. I have to say I am pleasantly sore throughout my body, but not completely debilitated as I used to be in my past training experiences. I feel like I worked, but not like I killed my body...I have to get used to taking it a little easier, and using less weight.

Since my main objective is fat loss, she has me working in lower weight with higher reps. I kept wanting to be like...nooooooo I can really do 70lbs here...!!! I was even at one point completely embarrassed when she made me do the chest press machine with NO WEIGHT AT ALL...just to work on form!!! I do however understand and appreciate her correcting my form and making sure that I am doing things the RIGHT way...before we move on. My competitive nature just makes me want to be lifting a substantial amount of weight to feel like I am at least BEGINNING to compare with other women or men in the gym. Then again I was pretty much the only woman other than my trainer on the free weight floor...except for mega-super-sculpt-barbie...(a seriously built blonde) who was doing curls with weights that I could barely pickup...8)

We started with some low impact cardio since I have knee issues due to my previous stupidity of doing 60lb squats...so she was trying to work my knee without hurting me. Some step ups, and low lunges and some step and kick combos. Then we moved to the weights. I can't remember the order or even exactly what we did...she was writing it down I am hoping I can get it from her in the future. We worked every muscle in my body I am sure because I can feel them all today...8) Especially my abs…ooooooowwwwwwweeeeeeee…

She is also a spin instructor so I even tried a little of that. I used to think that the "spinsters" were a whole new breed of insane...but after trying it...I can see how it might actually be...dare I say it...FUN. I did some much needed core work, and even some yoga to end the day!! All in all I am loving her routine so far and can't wait for MORE!!! I went home feeling a million miles high...and for the first time in months I felt good about ME again. I have come to the realization that I cannot LIVE without exercise. Not figuratively, but LITERALLY.

For my physical health and well being as well as my mental health, I need to exercise for the rest of my life otherwise I fear I will end up as my mother did…dead at age 57, missing out on the best years of her and her daughter's life. I don't want to be gone before I see my children married...or see my grandchildren, I want to be a part of and enjoy their adult lives. It is because of my mother's death that I was able to re-examine my life and its direction. People always say that things happen for a reason, and part of me believes that my mom who would have given her life for her only daughter...did just that.


January 8, 2007

So...the trainer e-mailed me my new suggested food program, as follows:


Start eating your consistent mini meals..............no longer than 3 hours between meals

Limit your diet sodas to 2-3 per week.

You might want to carry around a thermos filled with crystal light or green tea or bottled water. Remember to drink in between your meals to keep your body hydrated & to satisfy any feelings of hunger you may experience.

I want you to have 1 cup of coffee on an empty stomach before you do your fat burning cardio, as well as having another with breakfast. Drink water while you are on the treadmill.

MEAL 1: Breakfast

1 serving oatmeal…(you can sprinkle cinnamon in it) OR

1 serving farina or grits…(you can add a palmful of veggie soy shredded cheeses…any flavor)

½ cup egg whites w/ 1 whole Omega 3 egg

8-10 seedless red grapes

1 cup coffee …no milk, use equal or splenda

MEAL 2: Snack 1

Option1- 1 Dannon Light n Fit yogurt (any flavor)

Option2- 1 cup 1% cottage cheese w/ fresh blueberries (about 1/3 cup) or strawberries (3-4 med sized sliced)

Option 3- 1 Pure Protein Drink

Iced Green tea or coffee

MEAL 3: Lunch

Option 1- 1-6 oz can of Albacore tuna (in water) over med mixed green salad w/ olive & vinegar

OR take tuna & salad and put in a wrap w/ whole-wheat pita bread w/ 1 tbsp Maillie’s Dijon mustard

OR 4-6 oz. grilled chicken w/ 1 cup steamed veggies

Iced Green Tea w/ spenda or equal

MEAL 4: before you come to the gym

Option 1- 1 pure Protein Drink

Option2- 1 Stallone In Stone pudding

MEAL 5: no longer than 30 min after training

Option1- 4 oz. buffalo meat w/ 1 slice veggie soy cheese w/ 1 cup veggies OR med mixed green salad w/olive oil & vinegar

Option 2- 4 oz turkey burger w/ 1 slice Veggie soy cheese (any flavor) w/ med mixed green salad w/olive oil & vinegar

Option 3- 4-5 oz grilled salmon w/ 1 cup steamed veggies

MEAL 6: 20-30 min before bed

Option 1- Protein Drink – 2 scoops whey protein powder w/ 10-12 oz water. Blend and drink.

Option 2- 1 Stallone In Stone pudding

Option 3- Veggie Omelet- ½ cup egg whites, portabella mushrooms, sliced, 2 oz green pepper. Sliced, with 1 tbsp veggie soy shredded cheese (any flavor)

After falling off my chair and convulsing for several minutes I was right on board! 8)

Now don't get me wrong, I knew it was coming...but there's just something about me eating soy cheese that makes me laugh! I mean you'd have to know me to get it...but I come from an Italian-Spanish-Irish family...and we didn't use part-skim let alone SOY! I was the kinda girl who could hang with the big boys...a steak baked potato and veggies...if i had room left! So soy cheese is a new thing for me.

I am however dedicated to being happier and healthier and I will do whatever the nice lady with the whip says! If she wants me to eat soy cheese...so be it...if she wants me to wake up early to treadmill...I WILL! Nothing worth doing is ever easy. And I have the best support system in the world...my husband...who woke up early this morning and cooked my eggs for me so I wouldn't have to! 8) LOVE YOU P!

So, tonight is the first night of the new torture, I mean trainer. And I am actually looking forward to the beating. (sick little puppy that I am) I am very competitive and like to prove others wrong. I will be loving the fact that all the "fatheads" will be there watching me succeed.

I will post more after tonight's workout! I can't wait to see what we'll be doing!

8) K

January 6, 2007

Training Again!

This morning I met with a lovely woman who is going to be training me starting on Monday night! I had been training for a few years and have been waiting throught the medical red tape lately until now. I am so excited to start this again! I decided that for this journey I'd like to have some guidance...and after meeting with Brenda this morning, I feel like she's it!

She met with me to discuss my medical history, my family's medical history, and my past injuries and conditons. She then moved onto the nutrition part and then discussed the physical training aspects. I have not yet trained with someone who was so sincere and interested in me. I know they are in this to make a living, but it's obvious that she loves what she does and really feels like helping people. I am feeling completely motivated and can't wait for Monday night. I hope this is the beginning to a beautiful partnership!

I will of course keep you posted! Thank you for reading my blog! I will be back with news of my 1st training experience!

8) Kris

January 5, 2007

Ok...I'm back...I know that was fast! I wanted to list the workout that I have been doing this week. I am recently back to the gym after training for 2 years gung ho! I am starting out slow for me, which makes me crazy...I hate lifting light weights...but I suppose I will get to the bigger ones eventually! Here's my current regiment:

Female, 29 yrs, 5'9 310 lbs

DB Chest Press 25lbs x 15 2 sets
DB One Arm Rows 25 lbs x 15 2 sets
Pull Downs 70 lbs x 12 2 sets
Shoulder Press 15 lbs x 15 2 sets

Deadlift (straightleg) 60 lbs x 15 2 sets
Seated Rows 60 lbs x 12 2 sets
Forward Flys 70 lbs x 15 2 sets
Reverse Flys 30 lbs x 15 1 set
Reverse Flys 40 lbs x 12 1 set

I also had a good time with the heavy bag after my weights (about 10-15 mins), I am having some knee issues right now and I needed to find another way to fit in my cardio! It also happens to be ONE HELL OF A STRESS RELEASE!! LOL...

This is what I am doing for now...I will update the stats as they change! Anyone else out there having fun in a gym? Let me know!!! 8)

A Light At the End of the Fathead Tunnel....8)

Soooo...yesterday I was posting my recent frustration with a certain variety of male who frequent my gym. Last night I have to say was the most encouraging night in awhile! 8) I got a NOD. Yes, I simple gesture, a kind of..."you're ok" nod. It's not like one of the guys stopped doing shrugs in front of himself in the mirror for 5 seconds to engage me in a conversation about how my progress was going...but it was progress for me nonetheless!

I was happily going about my routine when I came to the pull downs, and was unsure if said "fathead" was still using the machine. I kind of asked him if he was and he quickly replied no...and asked me how much weight I wanted on it. I replied "70lbs" and he looked a little surprised but managed to smile and give me "the nod". The macho hey-that's-pretty-good-for-a-woman nod. I was happy to at least be acknowledged as a human being sharing space. One small step for fatheads everywhere, and one big step for womankind in the gym!

I may be back later...just wanted to share my happiness!


January 4, 2007


So...good afternoon blogging community. Let me introduce myself. My name is Kris and I am a plus sized woman living in the USA. I will over the course of this blog be discussing common issues that we plus sized divas deal with on a regular basis. You will be privy to rants, ramblings and breakdowns I am sure!

Let me begin with the fact that after losing my mother overnight to a massive stroke, and shortly thereafter weighing in at 355 I had a rude awakening. I need to lose weight! 8) Soooo I am now on that mission. That painful, fearful, ridiculously hard mission that so many of us face on a daily basis. Which brings me to my topic.

THE GYM. (insert scary music here)

So, after being ridiculed for a greater part of my life, abused throughout my schooling even through college, and in the real world…I am now supposed to haul my fat ass into a place where all of my abusers lie? That just sucks.

I joined said gym in August of last year and have been going sporadically largely due to health problems. I am more recently in there more often. I am a woman who loves to compete, it’s part of my Capricornian nature I am sure and I love nothing more than to do whatever it is that someone tells me I CAN’T! Including lifting heavy weight like guys do! So…I have started lifting.

At first I was sure that my self consciousness was getting the better of me, that truly these people didn’t really hate me and weren’t REALLY making fun of me as I walked by. Well, I was half right…not ALL of them were! I did expect some abuse which I suppose makes it easier but still I cannot understand why people are so mean. I would never in a million years EVER say something negative to a complete stranger who was in the gym at my size. Beyond that…I would never say anything unprovoked to anyone at all!

As I am positioning myself on the bench for a chest press (with 50lbs – 25 in each hand I might add) and I hear a guy to my left say to his friend, “Do you think it’ll hold her?” and laugh. Now I am surely not going to acknowledge the jab whilst in the midst of more of these “fatheads” as I like to call them…but in reality it really hurts. It’s like all of the good energy that I went into the gym with, all of the I can do its just run out of you with one tiny sentence. And I have grown tougher skin over the years, but there are some times when you just want to hit someone or crawl under a rock somewhere.

I proceeded to the punching bag. >8)

A message to all you “fatheads” (my definition being men OR women in some cases who feel it is their mission in life to tell you you’re fat as if you didn’t already notice) is this:

If you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say a damn thing. You don’t know who you’re talking to. You don’t know me, don’t know what’s happened in my life to bring me where I am, don’t know what I deal with on a regular basis. For instance, you don’t know that I am an only child who lost my mother at age 25, a year before I was to be married, and that I now take care of her 90 year old mother, (my grandmother) and my 67 year old lonely father with heart disease who had double heart valve replacement surgery. And yes, other people have worse things happening in their lives. I am not saying that I have it that bad. But be human, be compassionate dammit! Here I am in the gym with my fat behind…TRYING to do something. I am not a sit on the couch and wait to get thin kinda girl. Have some respect and some patience with me and maybe you can HELP there be less me’s on the world and more independent, self confident women for you to choose from. Be a part of the solution, NOT a part of the problem.

And as an aside, those spandex bike shorts…are SCARY.

8) K