January 10, 2007

Happy Birthday To Me!!!

Ok...so I'll admit it...it is my birthday....my 29th BIRTHDAY!!! And actually I'm not really so upset. People keep saying to me..."ooohh....next year's 30" and I'm like...uh-huh...and next year I'll be hot and right now I'm not yet...so...I'll be HAPPY about 30!!! Lol...

My fun birthday dinner last night at my mother in laws consisted of me being a good girl and eating my grilled chicken and salad whilst my husband chowed down on his mom's OUTRAGEOUS homemade meatloaf.....*drool* I was feeling the temptation but was able to comtrol myself. I did steal one little taste out of my husband's plate, but after that it was all chix & veggies! I was surprised how easy it was for me to talk myself into my dinner and out of what was there. I was proud of me. 8)

After dinner I sat in the living room and talked to my father-in-law a bit while my husband went in the kitchen to chat with his mom and also have some cheesecake! Not a huge piece, just a taste...but I was ok with that too. I really wasn't hungry and even if I was...wasn't gonna touch it!

Today I am a bit more sore than yesterday, but still looking forward to training day #2 tonight. All in all I think I just need to work on getting more and better sleep. It has been a long medical road for me in the past 6-7 months and it's hard for me to let it go I guess!

I will chat more later I'm sure! I hope everyone is having a good week.................

8) Kris


Bulldog said...

Happy B-Day!! Congratulations on managing to eat clean even when faced with other options. I wouldn't feel bad about having a bite since if we try to completely ignore all foods like that we are more likely to binge then if we allow ourselves to stray occasionally. Enjoy your night and your 2nd workout :)

TattooedEngineer said...

I wanted to say how proud of you I was the other night. I know how hard it was to resist the meatloaf! You didn't miss much by not having the cheescake, it was OK, but nothing special. If you can make it through those temptations, nothing is going to stop you!

And by the way, you are already hot to me. :)

Sara said...

WOW, an old hag (lol) with fantastic self control, that's amazing!!

I'm not sure I have that kind of control in me!