June 13, 2007

Yeah Well...

Things were going well for awhile, until the thyroid has acted up. The Doc and I have been systematically lowering my thyroid meds, trying to find my balanced place. And in the meantime my metabolism has been at a stand still. I have been staying the same, atleast according to the scale for a month atleast. I have given up getting on the scale. I feel like it may be off anyway.

I have greatly increased the amount of weight I can workout with. I am assuming this must mean I am putting on some lean muscle mass. That coupled with the fact that my clothing still fits well...and better than before in most cases. I am avoiding the scale for a bit. I think I have a mental dependancy on it...and I am usually unable to go more than 2 days without getting back on. So I've been trying not to look! I'll know how my body feels...I can tell when I gain weight. I don't need a little LED display to tell me!

Other than the weight staying the same...hovering around 298-299 now...I am happy because I am lifting well! I actually did a set of 410lb leg presses last week....4 times! Before that the most I had done was 370lbs! I have found that I am extremely competitive, even with myself. I love breaking my records...and love to get those..."did she just do that" looks from my fellow male gym-mates.

I am sure this competitive drive is what keeps me going...even when things seem uneventful!

I am probably going to be posting few and far between for the next few months, since the day camp I work for starts on June 25th. But I will try to make an appearance or two for an update...especially if there is good news!

Sorry for my absence...hopefully I'll have more time later!

Thank you for all who read my rants here!!

8) Diva K


Rasputin said...

yeah she's back, well sorta, something is better than nothing right?

Anonymous said...

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