January 9, 2007

First New Training Session

Again my stats for perspective: female (duh) 28yrs, 310lbs, 5’9

So last night I had my first session with my new trainer. I have to say I am pleasantly sore throughout my body, but not completely debilitated as I used to be in my past training experiences. I feel like I worked, but not like I killed my body...I have to get used to taking it a little easier, and using less weight.

Since my main objective is fat loss, she has me working in lower weight with higher reps. I kept wanting to be like...nooooooo I can really do 70lbs here...!!! I was even at one point completely embarrassed when she made me do the chest press machine with NO WEIGHT AT ALL...just to work on form!!! I do however understand and appreciate her correcting my form and making sure that I am doing things the RIGHT way...before we move on. My competitive nature just makes me want to be lifting a substantial amount of weight to feel like I am at least BEGINNING to compare with other women or men in the gym. Then again I was pretty much the only woman other than my trainer on the free weight floor...except for mega-super-sculpt-barbie...(a seriously built blonde) who was doing curls with weights that I could barely pickup...8)

We started with some low impact cardio since I have knee issues due to my previous stupidity of doing 60lb squats...so she was trying to work my knee without hurting me. Some step ups, and low lunges and some step and kick combos. Then we moved to the weights. I can't remember the order or even exactly what we did...she was writing it down I am hoping I can get it from her in the future. We worked every muscle in my body I am sure because I can feel them all today...8) Especially my abs…ooooooowwwwwwweeeeeeee…

She is also a spin instructor so I even tried a little of that. I used to think that the "spinsters" were a whole new breed of insane...but after trying it...I can see how it might actually be...dare I say it...FUN. I did some much needed core work, and even some yoga to end the day!! All in all I am loving her routine so far and can't wait for MORE!!! I went home feeling a million miles high...and for the first time in months I felt good about ME again. I have come to the realization that I cannot LIVE without exercise. Not figuratively, but LITERALLY.

For my physical health and well being as well as my mental health, I need to exercise for the rest of my life otherwise I fear I will end up as my mother did…dead at age 57, missing out on the best years of her and her daughter's life. I don't want to be gone before I see my children married...or see my grandchildren, I want to be a part of and enjoy their adult lives. It is because of my mother's death that I was able to re-examine my life and its direction. People always say that things happen for a reason, and part of me believes that my mom who would have given her life for her only daughter...did just that.



Bulldog said...

Great Job. It feels good to get back into the gym and bust your butt eh? I am not going to go off about the way to train etc because I am just not as knowledgeable as the others at JPs but I will say this, don't be afraid to use some heavier weight. Of course don't overdo it but if you feel like your trainer isn't pushing you hard enough then never be afraid to ask to do a slightly higher weight. Also I seen you posted in the main section of JPs, that is great, there is a tonne of great information there. Oh, and one last point, while there is a tonne of good info out there don't get bogged down in minor details like I do most of the time. As long as you are eating better and working out you will make progress since you are just beginning.

Sara said...

Well thanks for bringing a few tears to my eyes with that last part of your blog!!

Glad you're enjoying & having fun. I do also recall the annoying part of lower weights more reps, but it does work, just annoying until you see a difference.