January 5, 2007

A Light At the End of the Fathead Tunnel....8)

Soooo...yesterday I was posting my recent frustration with a certain variety of male who frequent my gym. Last night I have to say was the most encouraging night in awhile! 8) I got a NOD. Yes, I simple gesture, a kind of..."you're ok" nod. It's not like one of the guys stopped doing shrugs in front of himself in the mirror for 5 seconds to engage me in a conversation about how my progress was going...but it was progress for me nonetheless!

I was happily going about my routine when I came to the pull downs, and was unsure if said "fathead" was still using the machine. I kind of asked him if he was and he quickly replied no...and asked me how much weight I wanted on it. I replied "70lbs" and he looked a little surprised but managed to smile and give me "the nod". The macho hey-that's-pretty-good-for-a-woman nod. I was happy to at least be acknowledged as a human being sharing space. One small step for fatheads everywhere, and one big step for womankind in the gym!

I may be back later...just wanted to share my happiness!


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