March 19, 2007


Well...I was going strong there for awhile...and lately I have fallen off the wagon a bit. Since my vacation, my eating habits have been less then stellar. I guess what I can't get over is the fact that I used to be able to eat a LOT more when I was training in the past 2 years with a different trainer...and now I am on this restricted low carb diet and I am completely frustrated!!! I eat less than 80g of carbs a day...low carb by any description...and I am doing 2 weight training days a week and one spin day. On Mondays and Fridays I usually do my weight training and on Wednesdays my private spin class with my trainer. I used to do circuits with my last trainer and I was burning about 600 calories in an I move much slower with my current trainer and I am lucky if I burn 400 calories in an hour weight training...according to my Polar anyway...

I guess my problem is I feel like I am running in circles...and now...she wants to cut MORE carbs! I am really not into low's not healthy for long periods of time and have been on the current 75g a day since January. The proposed plan is to cut out my grits in the mornings, and my red graps (of which i only get 10 a day) and also my yogurts...(light & fit only 6g of sugar)....I am going to be miserable!!!

I feel like I could be working a little harder in the gym instead of going to my food again...I was losing a steady 2 lbs before this drastic food plan and I was working a little harder in the gym too...

Oh well...I did purchase my own spin bike on ebay so I can do some morning cardio...I am hopefull that that will help!

Thanks for listening!!! lol

8) kris


Sara said...

That does sound frustrating! Did you ever figure out the thyroid levels - was is related to the exercise like we suspected?

All I can say is try what the trainer says for a little while & see where it takes you, you can always switch back to the current plan if you don't see results that you like, but that's just my 2 pence (not cents - LOL)

Sara said...

how's it going now??