March 2, 2007

My Apologies....

It has been awhile...I apologize...I've been busy and tired!! lol...I guess I should post my progress....since my last post I lost more weight and am now down to 293lbs...which may be a little higher after my vacation last week...but I am not getting on the scale again until next monday so we'll see!

The spinning and weightlifting are going well...I can now crank out 6-8 50lb curls (with the crooked bar) and am up to about 105 lbs on the bench, and an 80lb pull down, (90 on a good day). I don't really remember a lot of the other measurements, I will try to record them this coming week...8)

It is amazing how I feel like absolute crap on the days I am not in the gym...we did make it to the gym at my cousin's complex in FL twice, but the heat and humidity down there really saps me of any energy I pretend to'm adding that to the list of reasons I could never live there. Allthough the thought of being on the beach all day might be a better draw once I've lost more weight!!

Anyway...I promise I will try to be here more often! Thanks to those of you who noticed I was MIA!!!

8) K

1 comment:

Sara said...

Yeah you're back! Keep us posted . . .