March 28, 2007


I don't know if I mentioned this I am HypoThyroid....which basically means that my metabolism and is slow. There's a lot more to it than that...but I won't go into it here! It just makes my life hard at this point, because what I am trying to do is lose weight...but my stupid thyroid is working against me! I have been struggling with weight loss since about the 6th grade...and my mother always told me that I couldn't let my thyroid be an excuse...that it was my fault also. I do believe this...(allthough I now blame her partially...after all my eating habits were taught to me by my parents) however I now have a better understanding that if I were a "normal" obese person...and by that I mean one without a thyroid disorder...I could quite possibly have lot a WHOLE LOT more that I currently have. Just with my food alone...I mean it's crazy to me...that if I stick to my low carb diet, and work out 3 times a week with a trainer and then 1 to 2 more times on my own...that it's not just FALLING OFF ME!!! I mean...WTF?

Case in point, my mother-in-law, went on a low carb diet...and within 2-3 WEEKS you could see a HUGE different, she dropped many pounds...and she looks great. She got down to her goal weight and now she jsut maintains with diet. For me...I would have to basically eat NOTHING!

Right now, my food plan is for me...sparce. I am an eater...steaks, hamburgers, omelettes and also veggies...I always ate veggies...but I LOVE my carbs too...and I can't afford to eat them..because my body is so damn sensative. 8(

For instance today I will eat:

1/2 cup egg whites
1 omega 3 egg
1/4 cup grits (instant type-no sugar)
1 slice soy cheese
10-12 red seedless grapes

1 light & fit yogurt smoothie
1 cup of cottage cheese & 1/4 cup blueberries

6 oz of chicken breast (no skin, baked)
1 cup of veggies (usually green beans, or cauliflower or broccoli or spaghetti squash)
1 slice soy cheese

Protein Shake
Stallone in Stone Pudding

6 oz chicken
3 cups salad
olive oil
balsamic vinegar
garlic powder
sprinkling of parmesan cheese

And then if I have worked out another meal about 3 hrs before bed...of either:
1/2 cup of egg whites with 1 slice soy cheese
protein shake or pudding again

Compared to what I used to eat...THIS IS STARVING. I am not hungry...but I am not happy either. My favorite meal is breakfast. It's the most satisfying. And now my trainer wants me to cut out my grits, and the red grapes, and the blueberries, and the yogurts....she wants me to eat protein puddings or shakes instead of the yogurt. And seriously...i KNOW i cannot do that.
It's not a matter of I won't try...but she's damn well NUTS if she thinks I can live on that and be a happy person. I can't even eat my favorite food anymore...and I'm not talking pizza or anything...SUSHI! Healthy as it is..>I can't eat it...too many carbs...even with the brown rice. She's killing me here...does anyone have any OTHER suggestions for me? I don't think I can keep up this regiment much longer. I've been doing it since January...and low carb isn't supposed to be good for you long term anyway right??


March 19, 2007


Well...I was going strong there for awhile...and lately I have fallen off the wagon a bit. Since my vacation, my eating habits have been less then stellar. I guess what I can't get over is the fact that I used to be able to eat a LOT more when I was training in the past 2 years with a different trainer...and now I am on this restricted low carb diet and I am completely frustrated!!! I eat less than 80g of carbs a day...low carb by any description...and I am doing 2 weight training days a week and one spin day. On Mondays and Fridays I usually do my weight training and on Wednesdays my private spin class with my trainer. I used to do circuits with my last trainer and I was burning about 600 calories in an I move much slower with my current trainer and I am lucky if I burn 400 calories in an hour weight training...according to my Polar anyway...

I guess my problem is I feel like I am running in circles...and now...she wants to cut MORE carbs! I am really not into low's not healthy for long periods of time and have been on the current 75g a day since January. The proposed plan is to cut out my grits in the mornings, and my red graps (of which i only get 10 a day) and also my yogurts...(light & fit only 6g of sugar)....I am going to be miserable!!!

I feel like I could be working a little harder in the gym instead of going to my food again...I was losing a steady 2 lbs before this drastic food plan and I was working a little harder in the gym too...

Oh well...I did purchase my own spin bike on ebay so I can do some morning cardio...I am hopefull that that will help!

Thanks for listening!!! lol

8) kris

March 2, 2007

My Apologies....

It has been awhile...I apologize...I've been busy and tired!! lol...I guess I should post my progress....since my last post I lost more weight and am now down to 293lbs...which may be a little higher after my vacation last week...but I am not getting on the scale again until next monday so we'll see!

The spinning and weightlifting are going well...I can now crank out 6-8 50lb curls (with the crooked bar) and am up to about 105 lbs on the bench, and an 80lb pull down, (90 on a good day). I don't really remember a lot of the other measurements, I will try to record them this coming week...8)

It is amazing how I feel like absolute crap on the days I am not in the gym...we did make it to the gym at my cousin's complex in FL twice, but the heat and humidity down there really saps me of any energy I pretend to'm adding that to the list of reasons I could never live there. Allthough the thought of being on the beach all day might be a better draw once I've lost more weight!!

Anyway...I promise I will try to be here more often! Thanks to those of you who noticed I was MIA!!!

8) K